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Sanyam Maratha – Inspiring Life Story

All of us face challenges but how many of us don’t give up and use those challenges to our advantage. Those who do, become an inspiration for all of us. 

Let’s talk about a woman who fought all the odds and emerged not only as winner but also making the world a better place in her own way. She is breaking stereotypes and flipping the gender scales where-ever she goes.

Who knows that a teenager born in a middle class family of a school teacher in one of the remote District of Haryana called Mahendergrah, will go on to write a new chapter in the struggle against the suppression of a Girl Child and Women in our society. 

Her journey of social change began with denying to gender discrimination within the family being the third girl child among five children, four daughters to get a son. Her grandmother was used to give milk to sons in family. Being in a medium class family, she couldn’t have better resources to fulfill her dream of higher education and a successful career like Doctor, Advocate or an IAS officer. She taught some children to fund her education and after completing her graduation she worked in a garment house to help her family to make some extra cash for their living and marriage. But her dreams never allowed herto sleep, she was always desperate to achieve a goal in her life and also wanted to set an example for daughters to be helpful like a son not to be a burden on their parents.  

By the grace of God, she wasn’t a victim of any serious issue but she faced all type of discrimination faced by a girl child in our society who is deprived to get a good education, better career opportunity, victim of dowry, not bringing a son in family etc. These bitter feelings helped her to grow more strong, daring and challenging. She spoke and fought for equal opportunity, higher education, marriage by her own choice, raising a single girl child and won

She is known as Sanyam Maratha, a natural born social activist has a cumulative experience of more than 25 yrs. in social development sector. Her inner voice motivated her to raise voice against gender discrimination in the society. Her focus areas of philanthropy revolves around the upliftment of women and girl child whether its education, health, sports, skill development, awareness on social and gender issues, crime against women etc

She says, We are trying to make society women friendly by creating awareness and sensitization on gender issues, helping girl children to achieve their dreams, creating resources and ensuring better health & hygiene. Over the years, we have empowered lacs of women become financially independent and secure by making them trained in skill training & income generation activities to support their family income to lead a self-reliant life”. 

Sanyam is heading CSR division of Jamna Auto Industries (JAI), leads a global manufacturing company of leaf and parabolic springs that has 70% of India’s truck market and is one of the top 2 spring manufacturers of the world. She gives credit of her success to her parents and her husband and daughter. She is a role model to her 16 yr. daughter who wants to be like her mother and serve to humanity. 

She has been also presiding over as Chairperson of ICC to prevent Sexual Harassment of Women Workplace since last 11 yrs. in her company. She is also a member of Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities (AFID) and presented country paper on “CSR & Disability in Indian Perspective” during the 24th AFID Conference in Nepal in Dec. 2019. Her journey continues to make a desirable change in society where each and every Girl can born and breathe freely, nourish and educate, achieve her dreams and fly high.  


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