Home Travel World's most controversial tourist spots

World’s most controversial tourist spots

Tourism can be a boost for many places but for a few controversial places it can boost controversy and exploitation of local resources and in some cases human beings also. There’s even term tourism to describe a trend in traveling to sites associated with death and suffering.

Antarctica is now open to the everyday tourist for a small window of time each summer in the Southern Hemisphere. There are concerns that visitors could be bringing diseases or seeds that may disrupt the fragile Antarctic ecosystem.

 Plastinarium in Guben

Falling under the category of much-hyped and most controversial tourists spot is the Plastinarium in Guben, Germany. Plastinarium showcases the process of plastination in-depth, which is related to the preservation of human bodies and their dissection. This center has emerged as a profitable learning ground for medical professionals and doctors. However, apart from this, it has also received a huge majority of tourists approaching this place. But, from the tourism point of view does it really makes any sense to include it in the tourism map, referring to how many people would be interested in knowing the hardcore plastination process on their trip.


North Korea is blessed with some eye-striking landscapes and natural assets in the form of smoothly flowing waterfalls, lagoons, and magnificent mountains. These valuable attractions can drive anyone crazy but traveling in a restricted environment with guns over your shoulder can be depressing. This country in East Asia is a domicile of strict rules for tourists. One mistake at your end and you are bound to unexpected punishment. Is, a place running under such rigorous rules worth visiting where tourists are not able to enjoy their journey but are more concerned about following the rules.


Devil’s Island is one of the three islands that make up Iles du Salut on the coast of French Guiana and was a part of infamous penal colonies until 1952. Also known as Ile du Diable, the Devil’s Island is considered the Green Hell? which is a famous tourist attraction in French Guiana. Devil’s island home to a number of prisoners subject to cruelty, reflects horrid images of people that died in terrible conditions. Prisoners in Devil’s island were under the effect of some undesirable disease, which was the main cause of their death. Can such a place be treated as a reputable tourist attraction for visitors? The question is worth considering and debating.

Padaung Karen Reserve, Thailand
In Thailand, One such community is  Paduang Karen, which is famous for ‘Long Neck Women’. Here women wear brass rings across their necks to deform their chests and shoulders to give an ill illusion of long necks.

Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans, USA
After Hurricane Katrina walloped in New Orleans, the people of the Lower Ninth Ward had noticed some suspicious individuals wandering their streets. Whoever visits this place is not treated well. This is why one should not think of visiting the Lower Ninth Ward. 


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